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24 February 2024 - 6 March 2024

價錢 : HK$52,000 起 / 位
​訂金 : HK$4,000 起 / 位


留位 : HK$4,000 / 位
What's App : 9388 95




香港 → 雷克雅未克 → 藍湖 → 黃金圈 → 南岸 → 瓦特納冰原 → 維京 →
米達爾斯冰原 → 雷克雅未克半島 → 雷克雅未克 → ⾹港
Hong Kong → Reykjavik → Blue Lagoon → The Golden Circle → South Coast → Vatnajokull Glacier
→ Mýrdalsjökull Glacier → Reykjanes Peninsula →Reykjavík → Hong Kong


⾹港 -> 雷克雅未克 ( 經赫爾⾟基轉機 )
Hong Kong to Iceland

乘坐芬蘭航空或英國航空經赫爾辛基或倫敦轉機飛往冰島 首都~雷克雅未克。
Hong Kong - Reykjavík (Iceland)

早餐 : -
午餐 : -
晚餐 : -

住宿 : 航班上



雷克雅未克 -> 藍湖



The Blue Lagoon has become one of Iceland's most popular tourist attractions, attracting tens of thousands of visitors each year to experience this unique hot spring. 

早餐 : 航班上
午餐 : 當地特色餐
晚餐 : 當地特色餐

​住宿 : Kea Hotel Storm 或同級



​雷克雅未克 -> 辛格韋德利 -> 斯特羅柯間歇泉 -> 古佛斯瀑布
Reykjavik, Þingvellir National Park, Fontana, Geysir and Gullfoss Water fall



Þingvellir National Park is a UNESCO World Heritage Site located in southwestern Iceland, about 40 kilometers east of Reykjavik. The park is situated on the rift valley that marks the crest of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, where the North American and Eurasian tectonic plates meet, making it one of the few places in the world where you can see the continental drift in action.

Geysir is a geothermal area located in southern Iceland, and its most famous feature is the Strokkur geyser, which erupts every few minutes and shoots hot water up to 30 meters into the air. Besides, Gullfoss Waterfall is located within the Thingvellir National Park in Iceland and is one of the country's most famous waterfalls. The name "Gullfoss" comes from the Icelandic words for "golden waterfall," as the spray from the falls can appear golden in the sunlight.

早餐 : 酒店
午餐 : 當地特色餐
晚餐 : 當地特色餐

​住宿 : Hotel Flúðir 或同級

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南岸 -> 塞里雅蘭瀑布 -> 斯科加爾瀑布
South Coast -> Seljalandsfoss Waterfall -> Skógafoss Waterfall



Seljalandsfoss is another famous waterfall in Iceland, located on the south coast of the country. It is known for its unique feature of having a footpath that allows visitors to walk behind the waterfall and see it from a different perspective.

Skógafoss Waterfall is one of the famous waterfalls in southern Iceland, located near the town of Skógar. It is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Iceland, attracting a large number of visitors every year to admire its spectacular scenery. On sunny days, beautiful rainbows often appear on the waterfall, providing visitors with a more colorful and stunning visual experience.  

早餐 : 酒店

午餐 : 當地特色餐

晚餐 : 當地特色餐​

住宿 : Magma Hotel 或同級

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瓦特納冰川國家公園 Oasis Skaftafell



Skaftafell is a natural oasis located in the Vatnajökull National Park in southeast Iceland. It is a popular destination for hikers and nature lovers, offering a variety of activities such as hiking, camping, and glacier tours. Skaftafell is known for its diverse landscape, which includes glaciers, waterfalls, rivers, and lush greenery. The most famous hiking trail in Skaftafell is the Svartifoss trail, which leads to a stunning waterfall surrounded by basalt columns. Visitors can also take a guided tour of the Svínafellsjökull glacier, which is one of the most accessible glaciers in Iceland. Skaftafell is a must-visit destination for anyone looking to experience the natural beauty and adventure of Iceland.

早餐 : 當地特色餐
午餐 : 當地特色餐
晚餐 : 當地特色餐

住宿 : Magma Hotel 或同級

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維京 -> 米達爾斯冰原
Vik -> Mýrdalsjökull Glacier

米達爾斯冰原是深受遊客歡迎的目的地,探索冰川及其周邊地區。 冰川提供一系列活動,包括徒步旅行、攀冰和雪地摩托。 


Mýrdalsjökull is a popular destination for tourists, who can take guided tours to explore the glacier and its surrounding areas. The glacier offers a range of activities, including hiking, ice climbing, and snowmobiling. 

早餐 : 包早餐
午餐 : 當地特色餐
晚餐 : 當地特色餐​

住宿 : Guesthouse Lambastaðir 或同級

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Raufarhólshellir (熔岩隧道) -> 雷克雅未克半島
Raufarhólshellir (The Lava Tunnel) -> Reyjkanes Peninsula

Raufarhólshellir,也被稱為熔岩隧道,是一個位於冰島南部的天然熔岩洞穴,靠近 Hveragerði 鎮。 該洞穴形成於 5,000 多年前的一次火山噴發期間,是冰島最長、最著名的熔岩管之一,長約 1,360 米(4,462 英尺)。該洞穴向公眾開放,讓遊客探索其獨特的地質特徵,如石筍、鐘乳石和其他熔岩地貌。 在遊覽過程中,遊客還可以了解該洞穴的歷史和地質情況,以及形成該洞穴的火山活動。

Raufarhólshellir, also known as The Lava Tunnel, is a natural lava cave located in the south of Iceland. The cave was formed over 5,000 years ago during a volcanic eruption and is one of the longest and best-known lava tubes in Iceland, measuring approximately 1,360 meters (4,462 feet) in length. The cave is open to the public athat allow visitors to explore its unique geological features, such as stalagmites, stalactites, and other lava formations. During the tour, visitors can also learn about the history and geology of the cave, as well as the volcanic activity that created it.

早餐 : 酒店
午餐 : 當地特色餐
晚餐 : 自費

住宿 : Kea Hotel Storm或同級



雷克雅未克 - 全日自由活動
Free day in Reykjavík

是日自由活動, 可⾃⾏購物及觀光

早餐 : 酒店
午餐 : 自費
晚餐 : 自費

​住宿 : Kea Hotel Storm或同級



雷克雅未克 -> 天空之湖溫泉
Reykjavik -> Sky Lagoon


溫泉設有一個大型無邊泳池、幾個熱水浴缸和一個冷水池。水被自然加熱到約 38-39°C (100-102°F) 的溫度,富含二氧化矽和硫等礦物質,據信這些礦物質對皮膚和身體具有治療功效。


另外亦是冰島地熱溫泉景觀中相對較新的溫泉旅館,但它已經成為當地人和遊客的熱門目的地。 它提供了一種獨特而難忘的方式來體驗這個國家的自然美景和地熱奇觀。

Sky Lagoon is a geothermal spa located in the town of Kópavogur, just south of Reykjavik in Iceland. The spa offers visitors a unique experience, allowing them to relax in warm, mineral-rich waters while enjoying panoramic views of the surrounding ocean and sky.

The lagoon features a large infinity pool, several hot tubs, and a cold plunge pool. The water is naturally heated to a temperature of around 38-39°C (100-102°F) and is rich in minerals such as silica and sulfur, which are believed to have therapeutic benefits for the skin and body.

In addition, Sky Lagoon also features a restaurant, a bar, and a variety of relaxation areas where visitors can unwind and take in the stunning views. The lagoon is open year-round, and visitors are encouraged to book in advance to secure their spot.

Sky Lagoon is a relatively new addition to Iceland's geothermal spa scene, but it has already become a popular destination for both locals and tourists alike. It offers a unique and memorable way to experience the country's natural beauty and geothermal wonders.

早餐 : 酒店
午餐 : 當地特色餐
晚餐 : 當地特色餐 

​酒店 : Kea Hotel Storm或同級

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DAY 10 / 11

雷克雅未克 -> ⾹港
Reykjavik -> Hong Kong

乘坐航班由雷克雅未克回港, 翌日抵達香港機場解散

Take the flight back to Hong Kong from Reykjavik, arrive at Hong Kong Airport the next day.



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